On Tue, 23 May 2017 09:29:34 -0400, Joey Rutledge said:
> Do you guys have any samples of the invalid Unsubscribe headers?  There is a
> newish spec (RFC8058; https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8058) that I’ve seen
> floating around and wondering if those are the headers screwing things up.

That probably isn't it - 8058 adds a new "one-click' option to the very old
List-Unsubscribe: (how old? RFC2369 is from last century).  Or more properly,
it's a method to tag the URI as being a one-click auto-ambush link, and that
gratuitously following it in the MTA may piss the user off.

For it to add to your queues, somebody would need to be using the one-click
unsub with a mailto: URI, *and* your local e-mail purgatory software needs
to (a) chase the URI as part of anti-spam/malware protection and (b) do so
even if it's a mailto: rather than http: or ftp: or gopher: or so on.

Having said that, I've seen lots more questionable design decisions....

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