On 22 May 2018, at 12:24, Andrew C Aitchison wrote:

Also, does the MTA check the name in the certificate ?

Not generally.

I understand that not all do (or didn't until recently)

None do so with significant consequences for failure, unless they really want their mail to break on a regular basis.

since you can't always determine what the name should be.

There are actually 3 issues of absent specification involved:

1. What is the correct name to demand? The recipient domain? The name in the MX record? The name in the greeting banner?

2. What are the best responses to each of the various modes of certificate verification failure?

3. What does a detectable host-level "impersonation" attempt really mean for email? Is it possible? Is it meaningful?

Historically, self-signed certs have been the norm for SMTP servers because the only real value of TLS for SMTP has been encryption in transit, not authentication. The adoption of DANE (and its predicate DNSSEC) may change this eventually, but that's not soon.

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