on Fri, Aug 23, 2019 at 08:31:24AM -0700, Michael Peddemors via mailop wrote:
> On 2019-08-23 12:45 a.m., Benoit Panizzon via mailop wrote:
> >So for privacy reasons we have decided not to register our customers
> >using this ranges @ RIPE. Anyway we mostly have businesses customers in
> >this range.
> You should allow your customers to make the choice on whether they
> wish to advertise their operational control over the IP(s) they have
> been delegated.


I can't be the only person who believes the whole "privacy" claim for
failing to provide accurate information about who is using the Internet
to be complete and utter nonsensical bullshit, right?

I make a living classifying PTR naming conventions, so I spend much of
my day (and the past 13 years) looking at WHOIS and rwhois lookups. In
the past few years it has become more or less the default for companies
and organizations and ISPs and telcos to hide their information, even
though you can go to their Web site and find out who they are and how to
contact them and where their locations are and so forth. Some ccTLDs
don't even bother to run a WHOIS server at all. Most ISPs don't offer
delegation records, or if they did, the rwhois server the lookups try to
redirect to was shut down long ago. 

I dread living in a world where the best way to find out who and where
the responsible party behind a given IP address is traceroute. But it's
becoming more and more the case. 


hesketh.com/inc. v: +1(919)834-2552 f: +1(919)834-2553 w: http://hesketh.com/
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