On 10 Oct 2019, at 5:43, Jaroslaw Rafa via mailop wrote:
So you should ensure that you *can* be contacted by pretty
much everyone. Of course, it's not an invitation to send you actual spam; but distrusting some senders just because they *can* *potentially* *in your opinion* be spammers, while you have on the other hand actually *invited* them to send you mail (legitimate mail, not spams)... that just doesn't go
with each other.

I don't know about you, but the postmaster@ and abuse@ email addresses I have access to get a significant amount of spam. Way, way more spam than actual, useful email. Actually reading that email by hand is costly, so I can't really blame those that filter those accounts – despite how (un)wise it is to apply filtering to abuse@ – because they have a job to do.

I have a few of my numbers exposed as domain registration requirements. I still not welcome the idiots that call those numbers to push their SEO and search registration scams.

We live in a world where we can no longer afford leaving the doors open.

Best regards


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