Dnia 14.10.2019 o godz. 11:17:36 Jay Hennigan via mailop pisze:
> >Depending on your client you might even just mark or group them in the
> >Inbox, so people can take a quick glance and delete them if they want to.
> The result will be the same, particularly if grouped.

No, it won't be the same, because the user will *see* the messages in
his/her inbox. With messages movead automatically to Spam folder, the
average user never sees them and they get auto-deleted after 30 days (in
case of Google), providing virtually no feedback on how good the spam
filtering actually is.

> I'd prefer not to get that crap AT ALL, but the spam folder is a far
> better place for it than the inbox. With a quick glance through the
> spam folder I can spot the occasional false positive.

The difference is that technical person like you and we all here on this
list know that we have to look into our Spam folders. An average,
non-technical user does not know that and he/she never looks into that
folder. So he/she can never spot the occasional false positive. If a message
goes into Spam folder of an average user, and the sender does not know about
it (and how he/she could know?), it is gone for good.

And probably falsely counting up to the reputation of the sender as someone
sending spam...
   Jaroslaw Rafa
"In a million years, when kids go to school, they're gonna know: once there
was a Hushpuppy, and she lived with her daddy in the Bathtub."

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