On 10/18/19 10:21 AM, Alessandro Vesely via mailop wrote:
On Thu 17/Oct/2019 04:35:53 +0200 Michael Rathbun via mailop wrote:
On Thu, 17 Oct 2019 13:11:31 +1100, Michelle Sullivan via mailop
<mailop@mailop.org> wrote:

Worse when they (the receiver) silently discards them... user checks the
spamfolder and their inbox and the sender thinks it all went through and
the email is never seen despite people looking for it and wanting it.

For at least one provider, unfortunately, that is due to the system's
architecture being such that there are situations in which the system's
behaviour is essentially indeterminate, and "completely losing the message
without hope of tracing what happened" is a predictable outcome in some
percentage of cases.

For blatantly viral attachments, silently dropping the message still seems to
be the most appropriate action.  Is that a best practice?

No, dropping an email without anyone knowing is still probably the worst thing that can be done, whatever the case is. Refusing at SMTP time with a 5XX message is still the best practice. Because your antivirus tells you this is "blatantly viral" doesn't mean it really is.

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Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

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