on Tue, Dec 03, 2019 at 03:27:04PM +0000, Chris Woods via mailop wrote:
> I'd avoid Linode, Hetzner and particularly OVH. OVH in particular appears
> to be a wretched hive of scum and villainy. Tempting as they may be on
> price, you'll never solve deliverability issues hosting on there. Same for
> EC2 and AWS.

One of the longest running threads on Usenet, IIRC, was people on
triangle.food talking about^W^Warguing about who had the best North
Carolina BBQ (and for the record, if you hear anyone say that's what
they're trying to sell you who isn't actually IN North Carolina, ask
"which kind", because it comes in Eastern (vinegar and hot pepper,
usually whole hog) and Western (tomato, usually smoked shoulder)
styles). It's ALWAYS pork. Sorry for the nested parens. If they try to
just sell you "Carolina BBQ" they obviously don't know what they're
talking about because in South Carolina they use mustard in their sauce,
which is an unconscionable crime and which really ought to be punishable
by making them eat it. My wife is from down east NC and she prefers
eastern style. I, on the other hand, am a Yankee carpetbagger from down
east Maine and like both kinds. As far as I can tell the matter was
never actually settled, but I will put my hand in and say that Skylight
Inn in Ayden may be the best, even if their hoecake style cornbread is a
bit weird, and my wife doesn't like how they do their coleslaw (too
sweet, apparently). The best pie is at a place in Oxford, though, but
their fried chicken is strange. Opinions vary widely. And we're
suffering through a spate of some of the oldest places shutting down -
we've lost Allen and Son in Pittsboro and several other vaunted joints
recently, which is just horrible and a true sign that the end times may
well be coming after all...

This thread risks running the same fate. ALL large colo/hosting
providers have enormous problems, some so bad I've taken to blocking
mail from them by ASN instead of bothering to keep up with who they let
robo-host last and blocking by the /28 or whatever. If I know your
networks' AS# you're probably failing at managing abuse. All I can say
is that the recommendation of at the very least having proper rDNS set
up is a good one, as many people and orgs block generic webhost/colo
rDNS by default, because if you're in such a hurry to firehose spam out
of a new block that you can't even wait for the DNS to propagate, you're
probably not sending anything anyone wants. But if all you're trying to
do is send mail reliably, I'd suggest you just go with a reputable ESP,
or several, and keep a close eye on how they're doing at managing abuse,
and whether or not they've just sold out to some other company because
that seems to be a harbinger of cost-cutting and abuse desks are
basically viewed as a cost center.

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