
On 22/03/2020 20:41, Chris via mailop wrote:
> On 2020-03-22 16:20, Nick Stallman via mailop wrote:
>> I got one of these the other day and I'm scratching my head about it as what's in the report cannot possibly be correct.
>> The report was for a domain we host the website for, but the domain has no email at all. >> The account referenced is also not a valid website login or anything else I can think of.
>> It's not terribly useful if I'm going to be getting red herrings like that.
> It's been my experience that MOST of them are going to be red-herrings.  I've seen a whole pile of such forged addresses with userids/passwords that I knew were completely impossible.

I have great respect for you, but I didn't spend a considerable amount of development time without actually being absolutely certain about what I was doing.  Your experience is not relevant because you do not have experience with equivalent traps to these - I know this for certain because I would have come across them, this also proves it:

{ auth_method: 'PLAIN',
auth_password: 'g3tt0ugh!',
auth_username: '<REDACTED>',
source_ip: ''

I just plucked that out of the stream of a newly identified accounts - that password looks pretty legitimate to me...  and at the time of writing this, that IP wasn't listed on Spamhaus, Invaluement or anywhere else...

So I can assure you I examined this in detail and proved the value of it by working with several ISPs.

In this thread, we've got one person that found what looked like actual compromised accounts and I've had other reports of this off-list, so it is helping take down this stuff, and that will increase over time as people add automation to this - which is already starting to happen.

> Imagine how useful it's going to be if you have a lot of spamtraps.  I mean, a *LOT* of spamtraps.

It's not the size and number of your spamtraps, it's what you do with them ;-)

Based on yours, Atro's and Rob's feedback on this - I've spent some time coding to exclude all of your traps from the reporting which is live as of last night, so you might have gotten one more report, but from tonight onward the vast majority will be excluded.

I also found that I wasn't discarding some drive-by stuff which is more akin to what you were talking about so I've also corrected that which will further reduce the noise, raise the quality and reduce the number of daily reports being sent.

We are constantly improving our services for customers and for the greater community on a daily basis by challenging the status quo. We constantly re-evaluate what we do and how we do it and the wider positive feedback makes us believe that we are on the right track.

Lastly - I really appreciated Atro's disclaimer - I think I should point out to anyone that doesn't already know that both you and Rob should have done the same as you both run competing services.

And that's the last thing I'm going to say on this matter...

Kind regards,

Steve Freegard
Senior Product Owner
Abusix Intelligence

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