Am Tue, 18 Aug 2020 11:01:19 -0700
schrieb Luke via mailop <>:

> In the Return-Path. "bounces+1234567" the number following bounces+ is the
> SendGrid account ID.

Return-Path: <bounces+11567575-c581-****>

Does the c581 part also belong to the account id?

I might consider trying to extract this on my spamtrap and collect them
to see if there are accounts that keep sending phishing emails for long

What I also wonder: How is a customer required to identify himself
@sendgrid before he can start sending emails?

Did they start providing 'testing' accounts which don't require any
kind of identification and which can be automatically mass created via
an API or similar.

(Yes, they just could go on a run an open smtp relay then :-) )

I know Mailchimp ran into a similar issue some time ago, but it looks
like they managed to solve that problem.

Mit freundlichen Grüssen

-Benoît Panizzon-
I m p r o W a r e   A G    -    Leiter Commerce Kunden

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