On 1/27/2021 4:40 AM, Thomas Walter via mailop wrote:
My understanding is that a quoted pair can contain characters that
otherwise would be treated differently. Characters like spaces, but also
angle brackets and such.

So in the following header, the address should be the last part in angle
brackets ("<b...@fh-muenster.de>"), but the first part should be the
"name" part, including the angle-brackets and email - "Some Person

That sounds right.

Relevant ABNF from RFC 5322, where the comments for qtext are probably the most helpful:

qtext           =   %d33 /             ; Printable US-ASCII
                       %d35-91 /          ;  characters not including
                       %d93-126 /         ;  "\" or the quote character

   qcontent        =   qtext / quoted-pair

   quoted-string   =   [CFWS]
                       DQUOTE *([FWS] qcontent) [FWS] DQUOTE

Dave Crocker
Brandenburg InternetWorking
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