On 05/07/2021 14:45, Florian Effenberger via mailop wrote:

I have some issues with the Cyren blocklist - one recipient's server is bouncing mails back with

550-5.7.1 This email was rejected because it violates our security policy
550 5.7.1 CYREN IP reputation determined a medium risk associated with
the sender address X.X.X.X. (in reply to DATA command)

Their website lists the IP as yellow ("Suspicious"), with an explanation of "The IP has only recently started sending mails, and therefore still has an Unknown reputation".

I am also getting the same thing, it seems I never get a reputation, while also being on many whitelists and being blacklisted nowhere. However, my mails are not being rejected but greylisted. So I am also interested in knowing how to get on their reputation list.

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