
Alessandro Vesely via mailop wrote on 07.07.21 at 13:27:

So it's IPv4.  Talos[*] reports low email activity on it.  Do you send out DMARC reports and similar stuff?  I found that doing so increases my footprint and hence stabilizes reputation, albeit some point out that reports can be classified as spam...

indeed, the activity on the various IPs of mine is not that high. It's a bit higher on some, but in any case I'm not one of the big players with a large mail volume. :-)

I don't send out DMARC reports (yet), but the quality of the traffic should be good, i.e. the bounce ratio rather low. All are individual mailboxes from the educational sector, no newsletters or the like.

Luckily, thanks to this list, a kind person from Cyren poked me directly (thanks so much!) and in parallel, the recipient was excluding these IPs from their Cyren checking, so my current case at hand seems solved for the moment.

I'm trying to understand if the Cyren behaviour is expected and the recipient is just wrongly blocking the yellow IPs, or if actually the flapping back is due to "spammy neighbours" and can be mitigated. I'll report back if I have more insight.

That being said - thanks indeed, I appreciate how helpful and cooperative this list has been to me so far, although I'm fairly new here!

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