On Wed, Aug 11, 2021 at 1:11 AM Hans-Martin Mosner via mailop <
mailop@mailop.org> wrote:

> Some DO customers actually do send email from their droplets. Some of them
> aren't even spammers, so I would suspect that for them, bad IP reputation
> probably means inferior deliverability. But you may be right, and those few
> customers are just a drop in the ocean :-)
True, but that seems like bad planning on the customer end.

If I want to send outbound mail for anything other than "I'm playing with
mail servers and learning how stuff works", I'm going to go find someone
that can provide a reasonable reputation and doesn't cater to having the
cheapest and fastest way to spin up VMs.  I'm not knocking that business
model, but it comes with some trade-offs.  If I can spin up a cheap VM
quickly, so can abusers.

Not to get too off-topic, but most of my customers use Google or Microsoft
for their email now.  If a customer has a fleet of copiers or other things
that need to send email (UPS units, monitoring tools, etc...), I just set
up a simple mail relay that's locked down to their IP address, does a bit
of cleanup on the messages, and then shoves it up to their Google or
Microsoft account.  99% of the mail from the relay box is going to the
customer domain anyways.  I'm betting I could even do that through Digital
Ocean without any trouble.

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