On Sat, 28 Aug 2021 02:29:17 -0500, Jarland Donnell via mailop
<mailop@mailop.org> wrote:

>I've been catching my customers left and right lately signing up for 
>some email warmup service.

OK, I see I've been completely out of touch with that segment of the industry.

The process of attempting to game reputation systems by sending to
robot-administered accounts eventually leads to things like the Microsoft v.
Boris Mizhen et al. settlement in 2010.  There appear to be a number of
companies that offer to accomplish this.  Perhaps they also have a few tens of
millions lying about unused.

I see that Mailwarm.com promises to 

"[act] like thousands of perfect leads interacting with your emails.
This parallel activity sends a positive signal to email providers and their
spam filters.
"Your email account automatically sends dozens of emails to +1000 Mailwarm's
accounts, and get replies. Mailwarm daily interactions are sent according to
the schedule you set."

In other words, actionable fraud, against the providers and against your

         "There are no laws here, only agreements."  
                -- Masahiko

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