On Sat, 28 Aug 2021 09:46:59 -0500, Al Iverson via mailop <mailop@mailop.org>

>Yes, there are whispers of this in the deliverability world. Good
>people always recommend against doing this because it's scummy and
>unethical and even if it works today, it's not going to work tomorrow.
>I am absolutely certain it's something that providers like Gmail and
>Yahoo will figure out how to identify and deal with accordingly, if
>they haven't already.

There are several handles available for administators to grip the problem.  As
we saw, Hotmail figured out Boris' game quickly.

A delightful prospect emerges:  when you identify a batch of robot accounts on
your system, you simply adjust the filters to convert them to "sudden death"
spamtrap accounts, thus reducing all of that business's clients' reputations
down to the "do not resuscitate" level.

My study of life and history inclines me to the apothegm "If you insist on
burning bridges, it is often best to cross them before engaging the
incendiaries."     --  Shebardigan

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