On Wed, 6 Oct 2021, at 08:42, Mark Foster via mailop wrote:
> I think people using forwarding _know_ that SPF breaks their stuff.

That is a very optimistic viewpoint about the baseline technical knowledge of 

> I think people who publish a -all SPF record are _outright telling you_ 
> to refuse email that doesn't pass SPF.

Perhaps, but that doesn't mean they really know what they're doing or that I 
have to listen to them.

> Rejecting on SPF -all is exactly what the person who published -all is 
> telling you to do.

Sure, but they're not my customer. My customer is Joe Bloggs, who has an almuni 
address from his alma mater that forwards to his mailbox I host. Joe has never 
heard of SPF, other than as a rating for sun screen. He does know that he gets 
very unhappy when I reject mail sent to him that he wants to receive though.

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