Dnia  2.02.2022 o godz. 10:47:33 Carsten Schiefner via mailop pisze:
> Having now also read Michael's call for O365 assistance, I start to
> earnestly wonder when folks are tired enough of having put their
> email fate into the hands of a few mega-large Mail Service Operators
> with kafkaesque and fully intransparent processes and instead will
> attempt to regain knowledge to run their own and small-scale mail
> systems again as they realize that proper and flawless electronic
> communication is part of their core business functions - whatever
> that business exactly might be.

I think it will rather go the other way, because of the scale of those
mega-large mail operators. Because of their scale, the average user's
perception is that "almost everybody" is using them, so if somebody has
problems with delivering mail to them, something must be wrong with the
sender, and not with those large operators. They are "too big to be wrong".
For the users using them the solution is simple: if you have problems
delivering mail to the large operator, you should switch to that operator as
well, instead of using some "unknown mail service". Then you will have no

And that's exactly what those big operators want...
   Jaroslaw Rafa
"In a million years, when kids go to school, they're gonna know: once there
was a Hushpuppy, and she lived with her daddy in the Bathtub."
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