
Dňa Mon, 13 Jun 2022 14:36:24 +0100 Matthew Richardson via mailop
<mailop@mailop.org> napísal:

> Slavko:-
> >D?a 13. júna 2022 11:19:08 UTC používate? Matthew Richardson via
> >mailop <mailop@mailop.org> napísal:
> >  
> >>One item to be aware of is that the outgoing servers (which return
> >>the messages) do DANE validation, and thus will not deliver to any
> >>servers with failed DANE.  
> >
> >pleaee, is no DANE considered as failed DANE? (Only to be sure...)  
> No (as Kurt observed), it will not send to servers which fail DANE
> but will send to servers without DANE.

Thanks to both ;-)

I just tried it. The ed25519 signature are not supported and wrongly
reported as permfail. Along with lack of DMARC result and questionable
DANE policy makes it not very useful. There is better tool from Vienna
University, which reports SPF, DKIM (both rsa & ed), DMARC and ARC
results in similar simple txt response:




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