Dňa 26. augusta 2022 17:09:34 UTC používateľ John Levine via mailop 
<mailop@mailop.org> napísal:

>There are certainly plenty of people who didn't read the spec and
>wrongly assume that a failed signature means something is wrong.

IMO it is OK to count failed signature as (part of) bad score, it can be
sign, that something is wrong, but rejecting message only due failed
DKIM is really wrong.

Some time ago i provided evidence (elsewhere and in that time)
that all failed DKIMs in my logs was from mailinglists, and all
rejected SPAMs had either OK or missing DKIM, no one failed by
any way (as verified by rspamd).

Thus while failed DKIM **can** be sign of samething wrong, no
one can deduce, that it *is* wrong, as it can easyly happen on
transport for various (legitimate) reasons.


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