Dnia  5.09.2022 o godz. 15:58:51 Jay Hennigan via mailop pisze:
> > Of course, if you want that other person receive all information about
> > the progress and results of your application, and you have no access to
> > that information (unless you personally come to the office to ask about it),
> > then you can use someone else's email address ;). It will cause more
> > trouble to the person who filled the application than to anyone else.
> You forget that there exist bad actors who fill out such forms in order to
> harass people.
> > In the scenario I'm describing it was highly improbable that someone filling
> > in the form would provide all his/her personal data and other requested
> > information and give someone else's email address just for fun.
> No, they'll typically provide someone else's personal data, other
> information, and email address just for fun.

And then they will deliver to the office all the paper documents required to
process the application (which normally only the person for whom the
application has been filled should possess), and they will pay the
application fee in the name of that person? All this just for fun?

And until these steps are done, nothing will happen to the filled-in form.
The person won't even receive any mail. Nobody (except maybe the database
administrator, if he decides to browse the entire database :)) will even
know that person exists in the system. It will just count +1 towards "filled
in the form, did not provide the documents" number in the statistics :). It
won't also prevent filling the form again with the same person's data (as it
is expected within the procedure that one person can apply more than one
time, and these applications are treated completely independently, as if
they were different persons).

The procedure consists of several steps, of which filling in the form is
only the first, and providing documents - the second. Then one will be
contacted by the office one or more times (additional documents may be
requested in the process) until the final decision is made.
   Jaroslaw Rafa
"In a million years, when kids go to school, they're gonna know: once there
was a Hushpuppy, and she lived with her daddy in the Bathtub."
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