You are missing something..and that's okay. Someday it will hit home.

For now, let's just keep pushing for just the right laws. There are
definitely no trade offs to consider. People are the problem. Government is
the answer.

On Tue, Sep 13, 2022, 8:07 PM Ángel via mailop <> wrote:

> On 2022-09-13 at 11:48 -0700, Luke wrote:
> > There's some serious irony throughout this thread. Out of one side of
> > our mouths we despise "oligopolies" and service providers who get too
> > big to block or, conversely, too big to care about their own spam
> > footprint. And out of the other side of our mouths we are begging for
> > security and privacy regulations that essentially make it impossible
> > for anyone other than a massive oligopoly to thrive. The cost of
> > adhering to the latest regulation-of-the-day is prohibitive to the
> > small operator's (sender or receiver) success. This is, of course, by
> > design. But it's really interesting to observe how confusing the
> > debate is when both sides lack anything resembling first principles.
> > Everything we do prevents the marketplace of ideas from actually
> > functioning and finding a solution. Then we feign outrage and harm
> > and confusion about why we don't have a viable solution to these
> > relatively innocuous problems. We have a large group of well-intended
> > people who think they are spending 100% of their focus-time solving
> > this problem. When, in fact, we have a large group of people spending
> > half their time fixing the problem and half their time
> > unintentionally (and unknowingly) making it worse.
> >
> > Luke
> Excuse my ignorance Luke, but what is it that makes so prohibitive? I
> am not aware of complex security and privacy regulations. In fact most
> of them should be common sense. Of course, you would still need a
> lawyer to ensure all checkboxes are ticked, but I don't think there are
> things complex to implement, really.
> Am I missing something?
> Kind regards
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