
Dňa Wed, 14 Sep 2022 16:49:58 +0200 Thomas Walter via mailop
<mailop@mailop.org> napísal:

> If I have to check a spamfolder for false positives every day, I can 
> just have them delivered to my inbox. The spamfolder does not have an 
> advantage then.

But that is about your SPAM filter quality (false positives rate),
not about Junk (SPAM) folder itself, right?

In my case, the false-positives are really rarely. Mostly when user
meets new eshop (or so) with broken email system (and need to be WL --
but that seems to be improved in last year). The biggest problem, which
i meet with false positives was with one new user, which (as only one)
communicate in Deutsch, because before he come all Deutsch mails was
SPAM, thus we have to (re)learn bayes filter first. He do not need to
contact me, all what was needed was to move email from Junk to another
folder and after certain count of emails it was solved.

In other words, my users watch Junk folder mostly in cases when they
expect some email, which do not arrived. Now i check stats -- 0,7 % of
all delivered messages was to Junk folder. I do no gather stats how many
of them was false positive, but it is really, really small number.



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