On 9/29/22 9:59 PM, John Levine via mailop wrote:
but nobody's ever had much use for notifications that "yes I delivered the mail" even though there's been a spec for that for a long time.

I find that I use "RCPT TO:<...> NOTIFY=SUCCESS" about once a year for various reasons. Usually when I'm trying to confirm that the SMTP path between my server and as close to the recipient's server is not blatantly failing. Sometimes I get lucky and find that the message is handed off to the LDA.

As such, I can usually rule out interim SMTP channel problems and go to the recipient / recipient's administrator and persuade them to look a little bit more than they did when offhandedly saying you're smaller than us so the problem must be on your end, go a way. How they actually say this varies.

I usually also add ORCPT into the DSN. Likewise with "MAIL FROM:<...> RET=HDRS ENVID=..." because why not fully utilize DSNs if I'm going to the trouble of using them.

Aside: Any time I write a client SMTP engine, I make sure to utilize them if I can.

Grant. . . .
unix || die

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