On 14.09.22 14:16, Dan Malm via mailop wrote:
I disagree hard on that one. We used to reject mails flagged as spam by our filters and it was wildly unpopular. Implementing delivery to a spam folder was very much welcomed by most users (though ofc you can't please everyone... We got some complaints, but far less than we got for rejecting)

First of all: I am fed up with telling people to look for missing emails in their spamfolders.

If I have to check a spamfolder for false positives every day, I can just have them delivered to my inbox. The spamfolder does not have an advantage then.

Your user's opinion on that will change as soon as someone missed a bid or contract, because it hid in the spam folder :).

If I send someone an email and get a reject, I know they didn't receive it. It's my job to make sure they get the email then or contact them using other means.

That's a lot better than Schrödinger's mailbox where you don't know wether an email got delivered, got overlooked in a spamfolder or - even worse - blackholed.

Thomas Walter

FH Münster
- University of Applied Sciences -
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