I don't know that non-matching return path/from are something you
truly have to solve for. At the domain level, it's addressed by DMARC.
At the exact email address level, any mailing list software, ESP or
CRM tool that uses VERP to help with bounce processing is going to
have a mismatched return-path/envelope sender.
IMHO, hasn't really been a good spam sign for a good long time.


On Thu, Oct 13, 2022 at 9:22 AM Matthew Richardson via mailop
<mailop@mailop.org> wrote:
> I have an issue with email from one domain being repeatedly mis-classified
> as spam by assorted receivers, including Messagelabs.
> Looking at their outgoing email, I notice that it uses BATV, the Internet
> Draft https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-levine-smtp-batv having
> been written by folks who frequent these part.
> Whereas the "From:" header would read:-
> From: First Last <first.l...@example.com>
> the envelope address would read:-
> btv1==278381d6d8b==first.l...@example.com
> My understanding is that this BATVing is being undertaken by a Barracuda
> appliance through which outgoing email is routed.
> Would folks anticipate that doing this would somehow make outgoing email
> look more spammy than with a matching envelope address.
> --
> Best wishes,
> Matthew
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