Dňa 22. októbra 2022 17:06:25 UTC používateľ Sebastian Nielsen via mailop 
<mailop@mailop.org> napísal:

>If its free for absolutely no cost, then its "on your own risk". You can't 
>really expect anything if you grab something for free.
>Then imprint is not required, the electronic service laws doesn't apply, and 
>its totally up to you what you do.
>If you shut down the service after 2 months of operation, so be it, customers 
>got service for free and cannot expect anything.

As fan & contributor to open source software i do not agree,
no, not all is about money only.

But you forget one very important (at least for me) free service
-- service for self/family/friends, where both sides (user - admin)
are mutualy known. No money play role here, no gowernment is
needed, etc...

And those services can be better than mass commercial, at least
because they can be (and often are) personalized, not unified, to
meet/fit personal needings.


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