On 2023-02-07 14:00, Hans-Martin Mosner via mailop wrote:
Another thing is that it should go absolutely without question that as the hoster will not divulge the identity of their customers to abuse reporters,

Okay, going to start a flame war with this....


Anyone who wants to run an email server on the internet in this day and age, understands the need for transparency if they want their email accepted by others.

If you can't find the responsible party to report things to, then expect that you will simply get blocked.

Hosting providers can easily have customers agree when signing up, to the need to be transparent if they want to run an email service, and there is a legitimate reason to make that information available, so this can get by GDPR if the customer KNOWS and AGREES that the information will be made available, how and for what purpose.

Spammers and malware operators hide behind obfuscation and GDPR <sic> policies of hosters, and those with long take down cycles..

I am tired of hearing 'we reported it to our reseller', and that's the end of it. If the reseller is supposed to be the responsible party, the reseller information should be public.

That's what SWIP (and 'rwhois') is for.

You want to send email without revealing who you are, expect to get blocked, with NO notification.

Hosting companies that hide behind privacy laws, in order to encourage customer sign-ups, are often called 'bullet proof' hosters.. (okay, maybe taking this rant too far).

If you want to send email, there has to be able to find the responsible party for the activity related to the server/domain/ip.

You will hear me pounding the table about this at M3AAWG. And of course, law enforcement are also frustrated about this.

It's easy to do... IF your customer doesn't want to disclose for the intended purposes, fine.. but you should question why. And tell them they are on their own when it comes to being blocked.

And this applies to even the largest providers (Amazon, Gmail, etc)

Too many criminals are operating with impunity.

And you look at the hosting companies with the least complaints, they embrace transparency by email operators.

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