As long as the organizational domain you want reports for is the same as
you have published in the DMARC RUA/RUF "mailto" tags, then no, you do not
need it to be able to receive said reports.

- Mark Alley

On Thu, Feb 16, 2023, 7:47 PM H <> wrote:

> On February 16, 2023 6:37:42 PM EST, Mark Alley via mailop <
>> wrote:
> >You only need to create that record if you are sending the
> >aggregate/failure reports for a particular domain that is different
> >from
> >the one the reports are actually on behalf of.
> >
> >So for example, if you owned and wanted to send RUA/RUF
> >reports
> >for to a mailbox at (assuming you own domain2),
> >you
> >would need to create the TXT record in domain2 -
> >"
> >" IN TXT "v=DMARC1;"
> >
> >If you're using an external third party for report analysis, usually
> >they
> >have a wildcard published in their DNS for this "_report._dmarc"
> >subdomain,
> >so you don't have to worry about it in that case.
> >
> >
> >- Mark Alley
> >
> >
> >On Thu, Feb 16, 2023, 4:14 PM H via mailop <> wrote:
> >
> >> On 02/11/2023 07:42 PM, H wrote:
> >>
> >> On 02/11/2023 01:55 AM, Gellner, Oliver via mailop wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >> On 2023-02-11 02:51 H via mailop wrote:
> >>
> >> 
> >> On 02/10/2023 10:13 AM, Gellner, Oliver via mailop wrote:
> >>
> >> On 2023-02-10 04:08, H via mailop wrote:
> >>
> >> I now did find that resource but it is written as general information
> >and does not really tell how to get it going with IONOS if they run the
> >email server...
> >>
> >> As far as I understood you not only use Ionos as your registrar, but
> >also use their email server to send your email through. Ionos does not
> >DKIM sign emails on behalf of its customers, at least they didn't do so
> >in the past. So the answer is simple: You do not set up DKIM or DMARC
> >at all, because you can't.
> >> The instructions given by Ionos are only valid if your email is sent
> >and signed by some other server and you want to add the DKIM public key
> >to your domain hosted at Ionos.
> >>
> >> --
> >> BR Oliver
> >>
> >> Thank you, you are starting with the first issue, ie whether I can
> >even
> >> have a DKIM record given that the domain is hosted by Ionos as is the
> >mail
> >> server. Upon my additional research I have come to the same
> >conclusion as
> >> you, ie not possible.
> >>
> >> By the way, I stumbled across this posting on the net -
> >>
> >
> >> - that as far as I can tell is still true.
> >>
> >> So, I will now look at creating a DMARC record given that I have
> >> previously created a SPF record and will not be able to have a DKIM
> >record.
> >>
> >> I recommend against setting up a DMARC record with a policy of
> >quarantine
> >> or reject as long as DKIM signing isn‘t in place. The SPF
> >authentication
> >> will break for all forwarded messages as well as for all automatic
> >replies
> >> or non-delivery reports. It will do mire harm than good.
> >> Of course if you‘re interested in the reporting you can create a
> >> record with a none policy and only change that after you have moved
> >to a
> >> different email provider who supports DKIM.
> >>
> >> —
> >> BR Oliver
> >>
> >> ------------------------------
> >> dmTECH GmbH
> >> Am dm-Platz 1, 76227 Karlsruhe * Postfach 10 02 34, 76232 Karlsruhe
> >> Telefon 0721 5592-2500 Telefax 0721 5592-2777
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> >> Geschäftsführer: Christoph Werner, Martin Dallmeier, Roman Melcher
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> >>
> ><
> >> .
> >>
> >>
> >> _______________________________________________
> >> mailop mailing
> >listmailop@mailop.org
> >>
> >> I see. As I am sure everyone has noticed, I am a complete newbie to
> >> SPF/DKIM/DMARC (and a lot of other things.)
> >>
> >> Understanding your message, creating a DMARC with "none" policy would
> >not
> >> have any downside? When you say "reporting", what type of reporting
> >would
> >> that be and how could I benefit from such reporting?
> >>
> >> I have created a DMARC record and checked that it is correctly set up
> >on a
> >> DMARC check site. I understand that in order to receive these reports
> >I
> >> also need to create a EDV record among my domain DNS settings?
> >>
> >> Googling around I have not found any clear instructions on how to do
> >so?
> >>
> >> At this time my understanding is that I need to create another TXT
> >record
> >> where the host field would contain "
> >>" and the value field would contain "v=DMARC1".
> >> Mydomain above would of course be replaced with the actual domain
> >name.
> >>
> >> Thanks.
> >> _______________________________________________
> >> mailop mailing list
> >>
> >>
> >>
> Since I will be analyzing the data myself, no third-party involved, I do
> not this type of record, correct?
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