I feel like I've told this story before on the list, but I can't recall. It always feels worth telling.

When I worked at DigitalOcean I took what felt like a year (may have been less) and I focused more energy than any one person probably ever has at any cloud provider on tackling spammers based on abuse complaints and recognition of patterns recognized from investigating abuse complaints. I had Python scripts running through the customer database at one point looking for key indicators and would mass shut down accounts either before they started to spam, or not very long after. No false positives. I would shut down a ton of accounts every day to zero complaints, because they were all exactly what I knew they were and they knew what they were doing. I had video meetings with several frequent complainers who would come at us from social media angles to inform them of how their complaints were informing my work, and what I was doing to try to reduce their complaints.

Despite all of that, I don't think I ever succeeded in even reducing the complaints. The only way to tackle this successfully at a cloud provider, in my opinion, is to block SMTP traffic and only unblock it under certain conditions. There will never be enough humans as dedicated and capable as I was, without raising prices to the point that it drives customers and spammers to the clouds that aren't spending that kind of money on abuse handling, to make a difference.

Just my 2c.

On 2023-04-04 11:14, Hans-Martin Mosner via mailop wrote:
Those two cloud providers are currently providing 99% of the incoming spam at one site.

googleusercontent.com sends a never-ending flood of DHL phishing mails.

linodeusercontent.com sends unsolicited ad crap using a domain "klwinkel.app".

Time for large scale IP range blocking, I really can't stand this anymore.

Is there anybody there who reads abuse reports, tracks down culprits and *fooking shuts them down*?


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