Dňa 8. apríla 2023 6:20:52 UTC používateľ Hans-Martin Mosner via mailop 
<mailop@mailop.org> napísal:

>And that's why I'm still in favor of blocking spammer-hosting providers 
>swiftly and broadly. It needs to affect the non-spamming customers, too, to be 
>a strong economic incentive for keeping spammers out. 

I agree, block them at all by default, as SMTP abuse is not only one. I
permanently see proxy/exploit on SSH/HTTP(S), and of course
IMAP/POP3/Submission login attempts from them. SMTP attempts
are not biggest problem here, thus blocking port 25 is only very partial
workaround (i will not name it solution).

I do not know if that come from abusers or compromised machines,
but that doesn't matter for me. Until responsibility will not be moved to
providers, they have no or really small reason to care.

Some time ago here was proposed cloud RBL, but it seems that it
ended nowhere. Good (central) source of that IPs can be benefit
for many of us, as for now many clouds doesn't provide their ranges
at all, and others are any in different form -- i process some of them
and any requires own parsing rules...

With central (and reliable) source we can use that either in SPAM
scoring system via DNS, and if they will be provided as plain IP/CIDR
list, even for feeding FW directly.


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