Am 04.04.23 um 23:02 schrieb Brandon Long via mailop:
Google Cloud, which I assume is what <> is from this, is only unblocked for smtp for supposedly good customers... though I think they are allowed to connect to the Workspace relays (but then I wouldn't expect them to come from <> but from the regular Workspace IPs).  I  would expect that to be enough to keep the spam at least grey, but if it's worse than that, then someone would need to take steps.  I'm not on the teams involved any more, so I don't know if they're aware or not.
Blocking outgoing port 25 for essentially anonymous customers is certainly a good thing, thanks for noting that Google Cloud is most likely doing that. So if only good customers get outgoing port 25 privilege, I have to assume that a lot of good customers have been hacked, or maybe just one who is being used to send thousands of spams. Since the hostnames of those cloud IPs don't reveal anything about the customer and I'm not going to set up our mail system to intercept and store all those messages for in-depth analysis, I don't know which it is. Google Cloud should know and take appropriate action.

You can report the abuse on the Cloud abuse form at though I recognize that's not how people like to report spam.

IMHO abuse web forms are essentially a way of saying: "we don't want to hear from 
you, we don't care" :-)

I just don't have enough time to navigate all those forms, which often enough request information which I'm not willing to share in the context of an abuse report (mandatory phone number? You must be kidding, I don't want abuse related calls to my private or work phone).

I must admit that my e-mail reporting isn't optimal yet, either. I did not yet implement ARF and X-ARF for my abuse reporting due to limited time, and most of it is done through Spamcop (which has the acceptable kind of web form - paste everything here and we'll take care of the rest), also due to limited time. For those providers who appear often and which Spamcop doesn't want to send reports to, I've made a number of crude scripts, but that doesn't really scale. Someday I will find the time to streamline this.

Well, enough venting for now...

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