On Fri 09/Jun/2023 19:14:31 +0200 Slavko via mailop wrote:
Dňa 9. júna 2023 16:07:28 UTC používateľ Andrew C Aitchison via mailop 
<mailop@mailop.org> napísal:

I asked one of the checker websites about that and recieved the reply:
 RFC6652 is a proposed standard from 2012, but was replaced by DMARC in 2015.
 DMARC reports on both SPF and DKIM.

But that is their point of view, as RFC 6652 doesn't seem to be marked as obsolete or so...

Actually, DMARC failure reports (aka forensic reports) include just DMARC data; that is, whether it was DKIM or SPF which failed, along with relevant identifiers and their alignment. RFC 7489 adds:

                     Note that a failure report generator MAY also
       independently produce an AFRF message for any or all of the
       underlying authentication methods.

IME, few receivers produce failure reports and none of them add the underlying stuff.


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