On 7/12/23 4:22 PM, Andy Smith via mailop wrote:

We last had this thread back in may

Yikes; not sure how I missed that. Thanks for the pointer.

the conclusions at that time were:
[...] > - It only affects domains on the Public Suffix List. i.e. the sender
   domain is in some public namespace where Y! want to see an SOA to
   show it's actually administered by someone.

Is that the case for you?

No. I might as well reveal the actual domain names involved, since it's not particularly secret: it's "westfir.or.us" and "ci.westfir.or.us".

Neither of those are on the public suffix list, although "or.us" is.

Mail from *@ci.westfir.or.us is accepted if ci.westfir.or.us has an SOA record, and not accepted if it doesn't.

So if it's supposed to be only checking at delegated breakpoints on the PSL, it appears it has a bug, because there's no break between those two (unless I'm missing something obvious)?

Robert L Mathews
mailop mailing list

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