For the past couple of days, is queuing more mail to Google than usual.

This is the 421:

421-4.7.28 Gmail has detected an unusual rate of unsolicited mail. To protect 421-4.7.28 our users from spam, mail has been temporarily rate limited. Please 421-4.7.28 visit 421-4.7.28 to 421 4.7.28 review our Bulk Email Senders Guidelines. m17-20020a67f711000000b0045d8a438106si295017vso.199 - gsmtp (in reply to end of DATA command)

We're not sending out more unsolicited mail than usual. Postmaster Tools suggests authentication, spam rates, etc etc etc all unchanged. We do all the things in the Bulk Sender Guidelines (except DMARC because we don't want to frustrate our users ability to use third-party mailing lists that don't mitigate it). We add ARC headers to all our outbound mail.

Since about September, we're hitting the rate limiter ~70% of the time every couple of days. Since ~15 November we're hitting the rate limiter for almost all mail we send.

Anyone else noticing this?

(We run hundreds of mailing lists (all of them confirmed opt-in, of course) and have dozens of plain forwarding aliases. Our spam filtering is pretty effective but there will always be some spam.)

Brandon: any insights?  Happy to supply more logs.

Best wishes.

Philip Paeps
Senior Reality Engineer
Alternative Enterprises
mailop mailing list

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