On Mon, Dec 18, 2023, Gellner, Oliver via mailop wrote:
> On 17.12.2023 at 21:48 Michael Peddemors via mailop wrote:

> > A bit off topic, but it is always amazing.. rejecting based on no DKIM?

> > It's like most new requirements, ever notice that the spammers are 
> > implementing these requirements sooner/faster than the real email operators 
> > and domains?

> > I still think we as an industry are going down a slippery slope..

> especially not the end users, understand DKIM, but a person who
> is responsible for running a mail server should. So my take on

I understand DKIM (I even implemented it in an MTA) but I don't use it.

One requirement after the other... dying a slow death...
(see boiling frog parable)

And it seems none of the extra requirements do anything against
spam, because the spammers can (and do, see above) easily implement
all of those.

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