Dňa 21. decembra 2023 21:26:34 UTC používateľ "Gellner, Oliver via mailop" 
<mailop@mailop.org> napísal:

>If Google would have published their DKIM private key after it was rotated in 
>2016, checking the DKIM signature in 2020 would have proven nothing.

Yes, checking that signature in 2020 is pointless. But if you checked it
before rotation it was fully validated. The all magic then matter only on fact
how to prove, when you did the check. I am sure, that you are aware of
systems which can prove time of operation, eg. accounting... (again, hard
to name them in English for me)

But my point was (mostly) not about courties cases, i mean usual users
tracking/spying (contacts, shoppings, opinions, etc), where signature is
checked once (at receive time), but used/stored forever. And that cannot
be solved by rotation nor by publishing nor by any cryptographic method
(which i am aware of).

Sure, DKIM doesn't identifies individual users, but signed message
has significantly higher value than (random/faked) not signed.

>Yes, I agree. Because the users have no control over the DKIM signature and 
>often don’t even know it exists, it would be especially important for large 
>ESPs to publish their old keys.

Try to ask regular users (and not only gmail/outlook/etc)  if they
searched if his/her ESP published keys. I ask them (from time to
time) and i almost always get: "What? DKIM? Keys???" :-)


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