On 2023/12/21 11:44, John R Levine via mailop wrote:
> > On Thu 21/Dec/2023 10:37:52 +0100 John Levine via mailop wrote:
> > > Yes, your code should handle them.  No, that doesn't mean you should
> > > sign with them.
> > 
> > Yup.  The question was why Gmail doesn't /verify/ ed25519 signatures.
> > Answering that they do so because it's not necessary to use them doesn't
> > sound real.  That way, they are damaging the halo of steady innovators
> > that their pushing on authentication might evoke...
> Sorry, but I don't understand what you are saying.
> I'm sure that Google has code somewhere that can validate ED25519
> signatures.  But that does not mean that it would be a good idea for them to
> use that code in production today and try to update their reputation systems
> to deal with the dual signing that implies.
> As I've said several times, unless there is a cryptographic problem with
> RSA, there is no reason to *use* any other kind of signature.

If you've had to talk someone not very technical through adding a DKIM
RSA key to a poorly implemented web interface from some cheap DNS
provider that doesn't handle long TXT records, you might feel

There is often a workaround in that case - using 1024 bit keys - but
then there *is* a cryptographic problem.

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