----- Original Message -----
> From: "Sebastian Nielsen via mailop" <mailop@mailop.org>

>>>  That header is supposed to be attached by the originating MUA, and I don't
>>>  *think* transit MTAs are permitted to rewrite it...
> Problem is, that when MUA or first MTA has a incorrect date set, the email 
> comes
> like last in inbox... have seen emails set with 1970-01-01 00:00:00 Or, even
> worse, it has a date that is like, several months off, so you have to SEARCH
> your inbox after that unread email that was popped into the middle.
> Thus to avoid that irritating problem, both for my users, and for myself, I 
> just
> set the Date: header to the server time, correcting any incorrect dates.
> Whats so wrong with it.

Well, you've changed the field here; if you're only talking about a 
*terminating* MTA, not a transit one -- accepting incoming traffic for your
own mailboxes -- then how tightly you need to adhere to the RFCs is probably
"not as much".

But it would only be the MUA; the originating MTA shouldn't be rewriting 
headers it's not supposed to either.

-- jra

Jay R. Ashworth                  Baylink                       j...@baylink.com
Designer                     The Things I Think                       RFC 2100
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St Petersburg FL USA      BCP38: Ask For It By Name!           +1 727 647 1274
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