> > To me it just doesn't make a lot of sense to basically have two inboxes
> > to check - the regular one and the spamfolder.
> I think we all agree. 

I either get notifications for emails in the inbox, or I check it often to make
sure I'm up to date. Spam is checked manually less often, or if I'm expecting an
email but not getting it. It serves a good purpose for me, and many others I'd
assume. It's a priority thing.


Op zaterdag 27 januari 2024 om 17:14, schreef Marcel Becker via mailop

> On Sat, Jan 27, 2024 at 13:33 Thomas Walter via mailop <mailop@mailop.org
> [mailop@mailop.org]> wrote:
> > Well, there could be if providers would stop delivering what they think
> > is spam into spamfolders and reject it instead.
> That’s actually what they already do in 99% of all spam cases. Rejecting known
> bad email at the gate is the goal. 
> > To me it just doesn't make a lot of sense to basically have two inboxes
> > to check - the regular one and the spamfolder.
> I think we all agree. 
> > Yes, I know, spamfolders are used for training
> It mainly exists for legal reasons. 
> — Marcel
> > 
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