Dňa 5. februára 2024 18:20:01 UTC používateľ "Randolf Richardson, Postmaster 
via mailop" <mailop@mailop.org> napísal:

>       A few of the lesser-known lists show that your IP address has been 
>hitting spam traps.  (I believe you deserve the white gloves, which 

IMO, the precise of that on some RBLs is at least discutable. My
IPv4 is listed on one or two as "sending SPAMs" (hello v4bl.org).
I can be sure that my server is not sending of any SPAMs. As my
outgoing messages count rarely exceeds 10 messages **per week**
(no mass mails, pure familly/friends), thus it is really easy to check
as most of recipients are repeating (and most of messages are from
me). And yes, my FW limits outgoing 25 port to my main MTA, thus
no unnoticed mails can go out..

The only exceptions are DMARC reports (not in that count), where
one have near to zero knowledge where message ends -- thus i can
imagine that if some bad person adds mailtrap address into his rua=
one can end in these RBLs, but anyway...

I was dissapointed by that listing, as i used that RBL previously on
my MSA to filter bads logins attempts, and it showed high success
rate, but then i realized, that its content is not as reliable and abandon
it. My IP is on it for several months, i don't care too much, i only
check it (from time to time) to see how long it will remain there...

just my 2 cents about "some" RBLs...


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