Am 08.02.2024 schrieb Jaroslaw Rafa via mailop <>:

> Dnia  7.02.2024 o godz. 20:51:15 Jarland Donnell via mailop pisze:
> > Nearly 100% of
> > users who forward email do so because they want it in Gmail.  
> I am always wondering - as Gmail gives so many problems that have been
> discussed multiple times - why anybody who has another mail account
> would want to use Gmail, and moreover - have his mail forwarded to
> Gmail?

Because they already have Gmail and use the App or are satisfied by
their webmail.
Some people don't want to set up a client because they think it is too

> I would definitely do it in the reverse direction...

I too, but people are different.

> And if somebody uses a regular IMAP client, what difference does it
> make if it's Gmail or another service?

Google makes it harder to use such clients because people either need
to use OAuth or create an App password.

Reading via the web interface or the app is much easier for them.
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