Dňa 18. apríla 2024 11:22:10 UTC používateľ Sebastian Arcus via mailop 
<mailop@mailop.org> napísal:

>However, if keeping outbound port 587 open turns out to be causing real 
>headaches, I could take a look at revising the existing approach.

IMO, one don't need to block 465 port (or 587) from inside LAN, as
it is near to impossible without breaking real users connections. But

+ ratelimit it -- one user will not create a lot of connections, IMO
  good start can be 10 connections in 10-15 min
+ log over limit connections, this will allow to see if limit is too low
  and/or reveals infected hosts

That will not prevent rogue connections, but will unhide them and
thus one can do something with infected machine (block/clean
or even trash it) relative quickly (my router FW logs are propagated
over XMPP).

And consider to include the POP3(S) and IMAP(S) too.


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