> I wouldn't verify that either.  It's just wrong.  You're not allowed
> to MIME encode strings in a DKIM-Signature header.*

Yeah, I misread 8616 there, then; My brain somewhat autoclicked to
"well, if there can be UTF8 you must be able to mime encode."

> * - I'm pretty sure that if you asked the author of RFC 8616, he'd
> say the same thing.

Yes, thank you. I am currently discussing with the author and he gave
valuable input on where I misread 8616. Based on his feedback, I'll
change the evaluation for such headers to 'error' instead of 'warning'
in the mailtest system.

> Unfortunately there is a lot of badly written mail processing code
> that tries to be helpful by MIME encoding headers without checking
> whether the headers allow it.

Well, that would then be rspamd and the python email parser; Question
is whether that would qualify as a bug, i.e., 'should not validate'; My
understanding would be more in a 'be liberal in what you accept and
conservative and what you send'-sense, though; I.e., even though not
technically allowed no harm in validating.

With best regards,

Dr.-Ing. Tobias Fiebig
T +31 616 80 98 99

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