On Wed, Jun 05, 2024 at 11:08:31AM +0200, Tobias Fiebig via mailop wrote:

> Yeah, I misread 8616 there, then; My brain somewhat autoclicked to
> "well, if there can be UTF8 you must be able to mime encode."

No, RFC2047 encoding of headers applies only to header parts that are an
ABNF *phrase* in an *unstructured* message header.  The primary examples
of this are the Display-Name in "From:", "To:" or "Cc:" and the message

In the same headers, there is no RFC2047 encoding of email addreses. Nor
is RFC2047 encoding applicable to parts of MIME Content-* (structured)
headers, including "filename" in Content-Disposition which has its own
dedicated encoding (https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc2231), but
this is one case where in practice the spec was broadly violated
(Microsoft was a prominent guilty party), so mail user agents typically
accept RFC2047 encoding there, despite the specification.

The EAI specification is generally sound, apart from one major blunder,
it allowed non-identity encodings of message/global, sadly I've not
had the energy to try to reverse this in a subsequent spec...

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