What would cause an IP address to not show as being available for Outlook's

Going to


and using the link for Access Control, the IP in question is shown as being
authorized to view data about.

But clicking on Junk Mail Reporting Program and then clicking Manage, the
IP address is nowhere to be found.

Usually when adding a new IP address, I have to request access for the IP
address and verify that access by clicking the link in the email they
send.  I've done that.  Then when I visit the Junk Mail Reporting Program
link and click Manage, the IP address is listed under the heading IPs
Sending Feedback and directly under IP Addresses.  I check the box next to
the IP address and Save Settings.

But the IP address is not listed under the IP Addresses heading.

I ask because the whole Microsoft/Outlook Postmaster Tools/SNDS/JMRP system
has been a bit wonky of late.  I'm wondering if there is a system issue
somewhere along the lines that's not making the IP address available for
the JMRP.
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