On 26/06/2024 19:25, Scott Mutter via mailop wrote:
> What would cause an IP address to not show as being available for Outlook's

IP addresses can only be a member of one feed. You should be able to see
all JMRP feeds that directly contain an IP address you have access to,
even if you can't manage the feed (which requires access to all IP
addresses on the feed).

It's also possible to include networks in a JMRP feed, which then stops
you from adding it to an individual feed. I don't know if you can see
details of that feed if you only have access to one of the IPs. Do you
have access to the entire network in SNDS?

> When I visit the SNDS page using this, I get:
> Error: no data for the specified IP

This is the SNDS page, not JMRP.

Simon Arlott

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