Hi Sidsel,

thank you for the work your company is doing with Dovecot - much

Getting Dovecot to work with OAUTH is not a problem. We already did
this a long time ago and your instructions are more than clear. The
problem is the mail clients.

I'll see if I can attend in Vancouver and/or find out what else we can
do to help as well. We need a solution asap.


On Tuesday, 16/07/2024 at 09:18 Sidsel Jensen via mailop wrote:

Hi Andreas

We have some documentation here:

but a good HowTo sounds like a really good idea, to further the
adoption. If you need help let me know :)

To answer Scott in terms of the wider discussion, there are some
things in motion currently.

I know that
https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-jenkins-oauth-public/ is to be
discussed at the next IETF meeting in Canada.

There is also work ongoing regarding

What could be nice is contact points to some of the bigger mail
clients for them to support it. There are people that are trying to
work on this topic in M3AAWG and have been for some time. 

If you can - please create feature requests for those clients - that
could be a good starting point to let the companies know that there is
in fact customer demand for this.

Kind Regards,
Sidsel Jensen

> On 07/14/2024 5:21 PM CEST A. Schulze via mailop  wrote:
> Am 10.07.24 um 04:07 schrieb Scott Q. via mailop:
> > What exactly is missing for broad acceptance ?
> > 
> > https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-discovery-1_0.html  
defines some pretty clear ways to autodiscover the endpoints.
> > 
> > MS & Google and Keycloak both offer this URL:
> > 
> >

> > https://accounts.google.com/.well-known/openid-configuration 
> All,
> maybe off topic, but as Scott asked "What exactly is missing for
broad acceptance": here are my thoughts:
> I'm aware of many operators of smaller email systems for less then
1k users.
> There the preferred software is mostly postfix, dovecot and
> dovecot and keycloak offer oauth2. What's missing is how to glue
them together to play with oauth.
> There were question on dovecot- and keycloak-mailing lists [1], [2]
and [3] but they are still unanswered.
> I would collect and combine that for a howto but I also lack some
oauth2 skills...
> Andreas
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
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