On Sun, 14 Jul 2024, Scott Q. via mailop wrote:

My question wasn't geared in that direction. It's up to each
provider to create their own custom interfaces for integrating all
that. It's not rocket science.

My question was geared towards the clients used to access mail.

Outlook uses hardcoded integration with Gmail, Yahoo too I think from
the strings I saw in a dll.

But that integration doesn't have anything special, it's basically
Outlook making a post like this:





                profile email https://mail.google.com





That looks like a custom implicit flow where Outlook has that
client_id and it goes to URL
: https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/v2/auth
Mind you, that URL can be derived
from https://accounts.google.com/.well-known/openid-configuration since
it's nothing more than the authorization endpoint.

Taking another example, eM Client. They seem to use Authorization Flow
with Yahoo. Pretty straightforward.
User adds a Yahoo account, eM Client opens the Yahoo oauth login page,
if login is successful Yahoo posts the token to eM Client's oauth
server which in turn passes it over to the eM Client app.

Again, I'm not oauth expert but I can't figure out why this can't be
done with all providers.

I agree that it would be good if this worked for all providers.

Thinking about adding this to alpine and fetchmail, which are not apps
and don't have active servers for Yahoo to do an oauth login.
I assume that the provider can pass the token directly to the client
making the connection ?

Currently this step is quite ragged and not easy for users.

GMail particularly makes it hard.
There are T&Cs and a contract which requires details of the non-existant
web service providing the backend to the non-existant App. There are stories of the authorization dying after a week, and users
winding up at instructions which request a licence in the hundred
dollar range. The developer of one of these apps has got close to
giving up and abandoning OAuth.

If there are other providers out there and a universal discovery method,
maybe the effort would be worthwhile ?

1. Look-up domain.com/.well-known/openid-configuration and get the
authorization endpoint

As A. Schulze says:

MS & Google and Keycloak both offer this URL:


I'll have to read https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-discovery-1_0.html
to see why the literal domain.com in one but not the other
(and the other version doesn't work for MS or Google).

I don't see this openid-configuration in mutt, alpine or fetchmail.
Alpine has GMail, Outlook, Yandex and Yahoo hardcoded.

Andrew C. Aitchison                      Kendal, UK
mailop mailing list

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