What does operational mean in the context of a mailing list like this?

Operational in that an autodidact who has set up a particular MTA and
is having unexpected errors could appropriately use this list as a
place to ask for thoughts and feedback from others running the same

Not operational in that it's not intended to be an open ended research
platform for the autodidact who is simply noodling a dozen different
things about how maybe they might do something in the future (and is
that even a stretch).

It's more I'm having trouble with my defined pizza recipe, not hey
world please tell me what's your favorite kind of pizza or even why
tacos are better than pizza.

Doing it the wrong way adds soooooo much noise and makes it hard for
some of us to keep up.

Use Google instead, please.


Al Iverson // 312-725-0130 // Chicago
http://www.spamresource.com // Deliverability
http://www.aliverson.com // All about me
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