> Date: Thu, 05 Oct 2006 08:51:54 -0400
> From: "William A. Hoffman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I have re-built and this time config.h has the right PATH_SEPARATOR:
> /* Define to the character that separates directories in PATH. */


> All tests still pass. I have updated the make.exe on the ftp site as well. 
> The correct date on the file is here:
> -rwxr-xr-x  1 kitware kitware 494678 Oct  5 08:44 make.exe

Angelo, could you please download this new binary and try building
GFortran with it?

> Is there a test I can run?

Any Makefile that uses VPATH or vpath with two or more directories
separated by colons should do.  "make -p" should show the VPATH value
(provided that the directories mentioned in it actually exist); your
previous build of Make didn't show those values because it failed to
break the list into individual directories, and the check that the
directory exists failed.

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